Heal Knee Pain While Watching TV


Do you like stretching?

If you’re like me, your answer was a resounding “Hell no!”

Stretching is a necessary evil, much like taxes, so there’s no point in complaining about it. Instead, we should think about how we can spend as little time stretching as possible, while still getting the full benefits.

In my research, I’ve gone about this in two ways. First, I looked for those knee pain stretches that helped the most. Then, I looked for ways how I could do them while doing something else.

So today, you will learn a stretch you can do while watching TV or while reading a book. I’m sure you woke up this morning wishing for just that, so let’s get right to it.

Important: With this stretch, do not push through pain or discomfort. If it feels weird in any way to you, if you’re struggling to get into position, or if you had surgeries on your knees, don’t do it. This stretch has worked tremendously for many people, but your knee may not be ready for it. Listen to your body and stay safe.

Do this stretch for both legs and you will be surprised about how much better your legs will feel.

– Martin

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